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Hi welcome to my blog. This blog is not just an ordinary blog site where in you post and share certain experiences about yourself, this blog contains and will contain about my experiences and adventures in taking up the course BS Information Technology with Specialization in Game Design and Development. Just check out my Blog Archive to choose what part of my portfolio you want to view/see my beloved visitor. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

COMPFUN - Computer Fundamentals Final Project

In our Compfun subject we are task individually to create a cut scene of our game. The game is the one that we proposed to our prof.  So we made our cut scene in an application called Alice, here in Alice you can create animations and simple games already. Here's a screen shot of my very own  cut scene. 

Here's another screenshot of my cutscene, where in the coach speaks Filipino Language because in our proposal we include the Philippines that will compete among other selected countries like Singapore, Japan etc. 

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