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Hi welcome to my blog. This blog is not just an ordinary blog site where in you post and share certain experiences about yourself, this blog contains and will contain about my experiences and adventures in taking up the course BS Information Technology with Specialization in Game Design and Development. Just check out my Blog Archive to choose what part of my portfolio you want to view/see my beloved visitor. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

COMGRAPH - Computer Graphics Compilation

In this subject, we were taught how to use Photoshop and create something artistic designs on it.

What we usually do in this subject is first practice and teach us techniques in Photoshop CS5, and apply those skills and making some web banners, screenshot of our game etc. and the Theme is Zombie VS Robots. :)

The images you will see below were all made in Photoshop CS5.

Web Banner 1

Web Banner 2

Web Banner 3

Web Banners 1-3:  Well here, we  are task to do 3 web banners for our game Zombie VS. Robots. Zombie and robot image got it from the internet(google images) so I dont own those.

DVD Game cover
 DVD Game Cover: Literally all the images were from the google images so the design and arrangement were made by me :)

Game Screenshot
Game Screenshot: We are task to do like a screenshot of our game so there. Image of the zombie with a chainsaw came from google images. :)

Welcome Screen
 Welcome Screen: We are task to make a welcome screen of our game. The hunter zombie image is from the internet and the robot overlay on the zombie is also from the internet.

Robots 1
Robots 2

 ROBOT 1:  We are task to do our own robots given the parts by our professor. Using those 7 parts we will create robots out of those parts.
ROBOT 2: We are task to do our own robots using our own made parts.
Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4
 IMAGE 1-4: We are task to make a Game Menu using Layer Comp in Photoshop CS5, so those are in sequence. Image 1 shows the player choose or highlight the healing potion then decided to get 5 potions. Image 2, the player highlight the armor(silk cloth) but then it was sold out. Image , the player opened his/her rucksack then lastly, image 4. the player press escape or any exit button so a box appeared whether the player will decide to leave the shop or not.

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