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Hi welcome to my blog. This blog is not just an ordinary blog site where in you post and share certain experiences about yourself, this blog contains and will contain about my experiences and adventures in taking up the course BS Information Technology with Specialization in Game Design and Development. Just check out my Blog Archive to choose what part of my portfolio you want to view/see my beloved visitor. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

FREEHAND Subject - Compilation

           This subject is very helpful when it comes in drawing without any using measuring materials all the way freehand drawing! At first it's quite difficult but yes I survived this one. So we study lots of techniques here like gestural drawing. contour drawing and many more.

This subject can really help me in the future whether I choose to be a programmer or game designer, but whether I choose between those two, still I gonna practice my freehand skills and improve them because I believe that if I become a game programmer I can still design, and if I become a game designer, I can still program :)

Here are the complete drawing plates for my FREEHAND subject:

Image 1: Get Acquainted, our first activity, well we gonna tell something about ourselves in this activity, sorry for the poor drawing skills ;)

Image 1

Image 2 and 3: Basic line strokes :)

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4: This was really drawn in this way, this image is based on Pablo Picasso's artwork.
Image 4

Image 5: Our task here is we should draw our cellular phone and we have only few minutes to do this. :)
Image 5

Image 6

Image 7

Image 8: Contour drawing

Image 8

Image 9

Image 10

Image 11

Image 12

Image 13

Image 14

Image 15-17: These drawings were really drawn in a big paper(cartolina), so what you can see on those images is that they were taken from a camera then print it then was taken again in a camera :)

Image 15
Image 15

Image 16

Image 17

Image 18 and 19: Here, we were thought of how to draw hand and foot in a proper way, so there were sequence of how to these.
Image 18
Image 19

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