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Hi welcome to my blog. This blog is not just an ordinary blog site where in you post and share certain experiences about yourself, this blog contains and will contain about my experiences and adventures in taking up the course BS Information Technology with Specialization in Game Design and Development. Just check out my Blog Archive to choose what part of my portfolio you want to view/see my beloved visitor. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

UNITY Game Jam 2012

This is the game we made for the UNITY Game Jam held in De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde

TITLE: Survivors
Team: 3Js and 1A
Members: Jomar Aguila, Jonyx Macabuhay, Al Edison De La Cruz and Jamaica Balbin(Me)

Our game is a survival game, where in you have to survive in the wilds on a certain time, you need to hunt for your food and kill some wild animals for your safety.

Here are some screenshots of our game:

Here's the video of our game:

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