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Hi welcome to my blog. This blog is not just an ordinary blog site where in you post and share certain experiences about yourself, this blog contains and will contain about my experiences and adventures in taking up the course BS Information Technology with Specialization in Game Design and Development. Just check out my Blog Archive to choose what part of my portfolio you want to view/see my beloved visitor. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GMPROG1 - Game Programming 1

Here in GMPROG1, this is where I started learning to use the application UNITY. Here are the projects I've learned and made in using Unity.

Game On Project:
Game play link : Last Stand: Battle of Tirad Pass


Unity Game Jam:
Game play link :  Survivors

Elevator Action:
We are task to do a game similar with elevator action, we can do it either in 3D or 2D no score mechanism.
Game play link : GMPROG1 Elevator Action

Our professor test us on how much knowledge we have when it comes in programming. He gave us a task where in we will make a game similar with elevator action, where in there are platforms moving up, down and left and right. (In the project I made, well no left and right )
Game play link: Light Escape Game

Preparation for the coming Unity Game Jam, we held a mini game jam where in we are going to create a game within 3 hours and the theme is all about "Styro".

Below is one of our activities, where in we are going to design our own city. Here's a screenshot of my city.
Textures not owned by me. :)

Here's 1 of our quiz: Similar with space invaders thingy ;) 
Video Game Link: Similar with Space Invaders

Here, we are thought by our professor the basic movements for a character, how to fire and how to move a platform up and down.

Video Link:  Basic Movements

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